White ñame (pronounced “nyah-may”), like other tubers, is typically found in tropical regions that have heavy rainfall and warm, humid climates. Some of these growing regions include West Africa, China, Korea, the South Pacific, and India. It is an especially popular root in Caribbean countries like Cuba and the Dominican Republic where it is often prepared for festivals and other special occasions.
Ñame root is shaped like a sweet potato and it has a creamy, yellow flesh with a nutty flavor similar to a potato. Also referred to as a yam, ñame roots are extremely versatile and can be prepared like you would prepare a potato. It is great steamed, boiled, baked, roasted, or fried.
Crystal Valley imports ñame root year-round from Costa Rica and Colombia.
Choose well formed, firm tubers that are free of soft spots.
Store in a dark, cool, dry area.